Design-Oriented Analysis is a concept originated by Prof. David Middlebrook of Cal Tech. To me, D-OA is more than a set of tricks and techniques — it’s a way of thinking about analysis and design.
Designers of electronic circuits have to understand how circuits work. To choose a good circuit to meet a set of needs, they have to eliminate zillions of circuits that won’t meet those needs. To eliminate useless ideas, you have to understand why they won’t work. And because there are zillions of useless ideas, you have to be able to understand them quickly.
Design-Oriented Analysis promotes ways to analyze circuits efficiently and quickly, to provide symbolic results that show the maximum possible information, so that people can understand circuit operation well enough to do design.
- Efficient
- Quick
- Symbolic Analysis
- Maximize Information
- For People
- To Understand
- For Design
This website provides some of what I’ve learned about the best ways to do Design-Oriented Analysis.