Feedback Analysis Made Simple

In engineering analaysis, there is no “right” approach for every person and every problem. You should do whatever works for you for your problem.

But when it comes to how to analyze feedback circuits, the loop gain approach described here is definitely better than the way it’s taught in existing textbooks.

This presentation outlines how I teach feedback. It is best viewed as a PowerPoint presentation, where you can flip between pages to get an animated effect rather than scroll.

Here is a video of me going over the PowerPoint presentation.

Here is a PowerPoint presentation showing how this approach leads to lots of op amp applications.

This approach is simple enough to teach to engineering students even as beginners. Note that this presentation intentionally leaves out some details.

Here is a more detailed PowerPoint presentation, showing why this loop-gain based approach is easier and better than the traditional, incorrect “four topologies” approach. Some details are still omitted. 

© Robert Fox 2014